
ドッハックジーユープラス, 骇客时空//GU+, .hack//GU+, dot hack GU plus
G.U.+ follows the player Haseo, a powerful PKKer known as "The Terror of Death". Haseo is obsessed with an infamous PKer known only as "Tri-Edge" who attacked a close friend of his sometime in the past. The manga details Haseo's search for Tri-Edge, and his eventual inclusion in a mysterious group known as "G.U." Back story of the ps2 game (same title)In 2015 a fire at the main CC Corp. building resulted in the loss of a lot of data, and The World was forced to shut down. By splicing in data from what would have been another game, CC Corp was able to rebuild the game system. The next year, "The World R:2" was released, but many old players objected because they were unable to bring over their old characters. However, many new users were drawn in by the new style, and over 12 million copies were sold. Though not a match for the previous version's 20 million users, it became the top-selling netgame on the market." As a result of the new world, four major clans (Kestrel, Lunar Tree, Canard, and Raven) came to power. The clans actions shape 'The World', and most players end up taking one side or another during conflicts.
骇客时空-黄昏的腕轮传说 -  .hack//黄昏の腕輪伝説 -  .hack//Bransoleta Zmierzchu -  .hack//DUSK -  .hack//le bracelet du crépuscule -  .hack//Legend of the Twilight -  .hack//legend -  .hack//La légende du bracelet du crépuscule
L'histoire se déroule quatre ans après la trame des premiers jeux vidéo de la série .hack. Shugo et Rena, frère et sœur jumeaux de quatorze ans, découvrent le MMORPG The World. Rena gagne l'accès à deux personnages très rares qu'elle incarnera avec son frère. Une légende est associée à ces deux personnages et les jumeaux tentent de la résoudre.
Tsurugi Tatsuno is a boy who competes in Virtual Digimon Battle tournaments. When a Kuwagamon appeared in the Real World, his Greymon came to life and protected him. Tsurugi is summoned to the Digital World by Piximon to save the Digital World from the evil Barbamon. Since his Digimon has a hexagon shape on him, it's an Illegal Digimon, meaning that Digimon bearing such symbols can help save the Digital World. Tsurugi's Greymon later De-Digivolves to Agumon and they meet other characters destined to save the Digital World from the forces of Barbamon. Now they must stop Barbamon and his minions before they get all the DigiMemories and take over both worlds.
Adaptation par Boichi du Ace Novel. Publié dans le One Piece Magazine.